Friday, August 27, 2010

San Diego...or as some say....San Diaaaago

Heather had a blowout outside of San Diego the same time we were leaving. So we stopped and saved the damsel in destress. Thanks again for all the hospitality and kindness Heather and Justin. You guys are great!
Nobody could pull off a hat like that but Mike!

This was a little oasis outside of San Diego that we hiked to.
Jer and I with Heather's crew at the waterfall.
Fish tacos were our primary diet while in San Diego. I know what your thinking...a fish in a taco???.....sounds crazy..but my theory is that in the bible...when it references was talking about fish tacos!
My first encounter with seaweed. And as you can see....I got a little too much son playing volleyball in San Diego.
Team America! The most intimidating group of guys we have ever encountered.

Some good friends we made in San Diego on the volleyball courts. The guy in the middle (Jesse), belongs to a band called the SMART BROTHERS. I have a feeling you will here that name again someday.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

4th of July in Vegas baby!

No....we don't know who this kid is...but we felt this picture really captured the essence of freedom and bein' an Amerrcan. We also had pictures from Arizona with Glenna and Cecil and Wes and family....but we accidently deleted them...I promise it was an accident. We never claimed to be perfect!

Viva Las Vegas

The GRAND Canyon

Good thing we didn't know what kind of danger we were in while feeding those squirrels....we could have been bitten, or gored very easily. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Respect Wildlife! Because the hand in this picture didn't and now can't make finger guns at the squirrels ever again!
If I had to imagine how baby Jesus would be something like this.
However...after 3 days in the canyon with no shower, we had potentially life threatening odor.
We made it to the bottom and back without heat stroke or any life threatening injuries.
And this is also a prime example for the previous "pants" comment.
Needless to say he got all the attention from the ladies.
Ha. We met this 95 year old man on the way out. He was hilarious and full of stories both compelling....and rich.
We also had to watch where we stepped on the way out because these mules really laid it down if you smell what I'm steppin' in.
Dirty Mexican
"The Last Supper" This was the worst meal I have ever was! We had to finish off all the food we packed into the canyon the night before we left. This dinner consisted of two cans of cold pork and beans each, a can of old and spoiled tuna each, and a piece of stale bread. Needless to say, we both were fighting to be the leader on the way out the next morning.
Jer enjoying cold beans for dinner and sporting a sweet skull tat
We spent most of our time in the creek and it felt like heaven.

Some of the true natives to the canyon.
The gateway to the canyon. When we reached this point I was stumbling around like an idiot from heat exhaustion....I was half way tempted to just jump off the bridge into the Colorado River.
It's a whole different perspective looking up from an ants view as the sun only appears to the crevice throughout the suns height of the day.
Phantom Ranch. The people with money could actually stay in air conditioned cabins...but who wants to do that when you can sleep in a tent in 90 degree weather all night!

Our hippie friends.

This is not an optical was really 140 degrees.
Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease....Sage and I relax in the midst of the canyon while mingling with the hippies who are indigenous to canyon climates such as this.....
This creek literally saved our lives. The first thing we did when we reached the bottom was drop our packs and jump in. The Grand Canyon is quit possibly the hottest place on earth.
Finally!!! The Colorado River!
Kids...don't do drugs.
This squirrel had to be on drugs

Jer and his dirty mexican pose
Sage stops as I steal a moment to capture another shot of the breathtaking canyon.
Sage carefully places his footing as we are led on switchbacks that bend around rock edges.
My life is in your hands. This is only the kind of trust that can be built from sleeping in a van with another man for months.
Enjoying an orange on tree......

It's hard to capture the view of the Grand Canyon with the lens of a's just one of those things you gotta see in person.....the naked eye is a far superior instrument than the lens of a camera.....that's for sure
We don't know this kid......We will call him Bill, but Bill really loved to be in pictures! And no, I did not get these shorts from my grandfathers closet.

Gettin' suited up before the hike into the never know when a bear might pop up!