Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This is God's countray. And this is God's reever.

Park Rangers

These girls were intregued with the squirrel feeding.....I never said we were perfect role models

Scooped'm up

Triscuits: So good, even squirrels like them.....

Destiny: The choices we make, not the chances we take, determine our destiny.....I figured this would be a good spot to put a cheesy quote from one of those calenders that are so popular.


Honeymoon suite

Jer caught me at a bad time. I think it was the altitude up in the trees?

Bridge to tree house!

Flat Tire!

Saying goodbye to the Marks family.

Wind Surfing

Senior Photo

Ha. An accidental picture while trying to figure something on the camera out.

Natural Bridges

La Familia

Throw it on the ground!

A clean skull is a happy one
Larry...meet black betty