Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ouray, Durango, and Mesa Verde

The Navajo Nation
Jer pettin' the skull
We drove 30 miles out of the way to stand on 4 states at once only to find that it was closed due to construction...I'm not sure which state is responsible for this....but we will hunt you down. On a side note...good thing the gate was short and they didn't use barbed wire.

However....wearing your pants that high does have consequences.
...and we started something special. Little did we know when we started pulling our pants up that we were paving the way for a younger generation to not be afraid to wear there pants so high. I believe this small act was the catalyst to a new found freedom that all American, both young and old, can enjoy the privilege to wear pants high. When Jer and I first did this, there was a family of 15 that saw and couldn't help but join in. Well, only 3 joined in....but we almost got all 15...they will come around though.
We thought it would be funny to pull our pants up as high as the typical tourist wears them
Sharing is caring
This was a religious gathering area for the Indian tribe...they also used it as a swimming pool on warm days.

It's pretty cool to walk through the ancient dwellings of a village that was inhabited by half naked Puebloan people over 2,500 years ago and to see the way they lived life. A little history lesson....The Puebloan people lived between A.D. 600 and 1300 and the cliff dwellings were first discovered in 1849. Though many of the inhabitant's secrets have been learned since, the answer to the biggest mystery, why the Mesa Verde people left their ancestral home, may never be fully understood... DON! DON! DON!
Sage and I are able to explore some of the ancient religious rooms of the Puebloan people.

If you look closely in this picture you can see one of the Mesa Verde peoples fiercely protecting his mud honor their god of water these primitive beings will characteristically wear bright blue coloring and are known to bite.
This would have been an even better picture had it not been for the heard of tourists standing right in the shot...dangit!

The most beautiful van we've ever seen. I mean, Black Betty is nice and all, but this would be the way to travel!

I love squirrels....I think I could literally sit and watch squirrels all day long and be perfectly they have the best lives ever....I mean seriously....they have tons of fun jumping from tree to tree chasing one another.....they eat all day long....and have very few predators....what more could you ask for!?!

It was tricky to feed those squirrels with the park ranger keeping an eye on us...but we found a way....and they LOVE oyster crackers.
I learned this trick from Steve Erwin, "The Croc Hunter." To be accepted into the animal kingdom one must fit in...become like them....become...a squirrel.

Hello Ladies

This was one wild group of ladies!!
The Falls
Box Canyon Falls in Ouray, CO.

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