Saturday, November 13, 2010

Canada, Butchart Gardens, Thanksgiving, and Yosemite


Squirrel whisperer

THis guy was fearless.

Half Dome

Random trip to Yosemite...the E on the sign was duct tape? haha

She's been there before. more van problems. The Alternator went out somewhere in Cali, so we parked in a hotel lot for the night. The next morning, the tire was flat....just one of those days.....

Mt. California

We celebrated the "Canadian thanksgiving"....I never knew they had Thanksgiving even....

Poutine. A Canadian staple. French Fries, brown gravy, and cheese.

Bryan Fantana

Mary Poppins

Ching Chong


I could never figure this out. Good thing I'm not a real cowboy.

The most impressive garden ever

Next Morning

We hiked outside of the rain...and the darkness...until we finally found this trail in the we just set the tent up in the dead center of the trail.

My best Canadian Impression...EH!

Backpacking in the city of Victoria on Vancouver Island

It's just funny.

I really am not sure what to say here...

Cup of Joe at the first Starbucks ever

Downtown Seattle

We had a van that what you call it?...when you don't have a garage...


  1. love the guys in the airport... plotting... talking... scheming...

  2. chipmonks, mountains, camping, gardens... van sale? this is the greatest thing I have ever seen!

  3. Dude! I've been to the Pike Fishing Market in Seatle too! -jp
